Lilypie Maternity tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cassidy is here!

Cassidy Blaire Lewis was born on August 9th 2011 at 7:46 am. She was 6 lbs 14 oz and 19.5 inches with a head full of black hair.
She was born at 39 weeks, so one week early, good girl :). I was scheduled to be induced that same morning at 9 am because of my gestational diabetes, but there was no need for the induction luckily! I was induced with Alyssa and always heard pitocin makes it so much more painful so I really wanted to go into labor on my own this time.
My doc stripped my membranes at my doc appt monday morning at like 1030 am. She said there was a 50% chance it would put me into labor and I should know within 12 hours, probably less time for me since I was already 4 cm dilated and effaced. I had braxton hicks all day, some were crampy, but nothing different than the last couple weeks. My mom was already in town to watch Alyssa for the induction and we all went out to dinner, target, and ritas (my last time having to restrain from ice cream!). By the time we got home, the braxton hicks stopped. Oh well, at least I knew I had the induction the next morning. We went to bed at like 1030. I woke up at 530 to pee (well and like 5 times before that of course). I could not go back to sleep since I was too excited about the induction. My alarm was set for 745 am and I just had too many things running through my head to sleep. Dave Saw me up in bed at like 545 and asked if i needed anything. he got me a granola bar and the computer so I could facebook and mess around researching last minute labor tips. At 6 I had what I assumed was a more uncomfortable/slightly painful braxton hicks contraction. 6:08 another. I kind of had to sit up to make it not hurt. But still only slighly painful, but more uncomfortable. 6:15 another, little more painful. I woke Dave and told him I thought maybe i was having light contractions. 2 more came 619, 623. I decided I'd shower in case this was labor as I was planning on showering before the induction anyway. I took about a 5 minute shower and had 2 or 3 contractions in the shower. At this point it was about 630 and Dave decided we were going to the hospital. I said no, I wasn't sure it was true labor yet. And if it was it had to be early labor because just started and 2.they weren't really regular, i had a couple 2 min apart, then one 4 min later. I told him he could go back to sleep until we had to wake up at 745 Dave said no, he was not delivering this baby and we had to be at the hospital soon anyway for the induction so what the worst hat can happen, we wait a little. I figured he was right. I had 2 fears for going into labor on my own. One was that it would be really fast since Alyssa's was only 2 hrs. But the other was that I would show up to the hospital and have them say nope, its not labor, go home. Don't know why i was afraid of the second. Anyway, at 640 I told my mom we were leaving and kissed Alyssa goodbye in her bed. 645 dave called labor and delivery and told them we were coming in. We got in the car and left the house around 6:50. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart the entire drive. I knew at this point it was labor. I was delivering at the naval hospital, which is on base. Base traffic is horrific in the morning, 7 am . I was starting to get pressure and told Dave maybe we should go to the local civilian hospital because traffic took 1-2 hours sometimes to get on base when its usually a 25 minute drive. Dave decided to just turn on his flashers and ride the shoulder past all the traffic. We made it to the hospital at like 720. We pulled up out front, went upstairs, and they took us to our room. They told me to get in my gown and someone would be in soon to get me ready and check my progress. I told them they may want to do that sooner than later. Dave ran down to get the labor stuff, I stressed run. My OB had just started her shift at 715 and came into the room right away to say hi, saw me have 2 contractions in a couple minutes so checked me. She said "Oh you're 10 cm, let me go hang up my coat, I'll break your water real quick, and we can push". They didn't have time to admit me to the hospital. The rushed to get an iv in and the heart rate monitor on. Cassidy Blaire was born at 7:46, roughly 20 minutes after we parked. I won't say it was "easy" but it was SO different than my labor with Alyssa. It was so calm this time. We talked between pushing. At 745 my alarm went off and I joked that was my alarm to wake up to come to the hospital. The doctor also mentioned how calm and relaxed it was, especially considering the rush. It was so much less painful than delivering with pitocin. i didn't get pain meds either time but with Alyssa I wanted to, it was hard not to. Pain meds never even entered my mind this time, i wasn't even close to needing them or wanting them. So from first uncomfortable cramp/contraction to holding my baby was about an hour and a half, Alyssa was a little over 2 hrs. They said I may want to live at the hospital the last couple weeks if i have a 3rd.
Cassidy scored a 9.9 out of 10 on her apgar score (they don't give 10's because they think its jinxing a baby to say they are perfect). They had to test her blood sugar 4 times the first day. Anything over 45 was fine, hers ranged between 63-68, perfect! No sign of jaundice whatsoever. We were discharged to come home the next day at noon. Everything went SO well, just about perfectly. I had a "dream" labor and sweet healthy baby girl. I am loving having another newborn, so sweet and innocent and snuggly! Off to feed my new little 4 day old Cassidy Blaire :).
Pictures are on facebook...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hopefully the first of many posts

I hope to start this blog back up with pictures and updates of the new baby and of course Alyssa too. I go to the doctors in the morning and they are going to try to kickstart labor. If that doesn't work I will be induced on Tuesday! So 2 more days to go! This pregnancy has dragged on and on. Between the throwing up twice a day for the first 20 weeks, the gestational diabetes, and the possible IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction), I can not wait for the pregnancy phase to be over and have my baby girl in my arms finally!
For some reason I am not scared or nervous to have 2 at home with me all the time. Alyssa does not go to any sort of day care or "pre-school". I feel as though she will learn way more one on one with me than she would in a pre-school, at least before she is even 3. I may send her somewhere like 1 morning a week, but only for the child interaction and so i can have alone time with the new baby. People keep saying oh just wait, 2 is so much harder. I just feel so much more laid back about everything this time around. I have already done it once, I don't feel as paranoid and I feel like I know what I am doing. I have already breastfeed, made baby food, cloth diapered, sleep trained, potty trained, etc. And I know all kids are different but at least I now have the experience.
And I am not going to lie, I can not wait to eat normally again. I already eat very healthy so my diet wasn't a complete overhaul but I really missed my cereal in the morning and dessert at night. I will also be happy not to have to prick my finger and test my blood sugar levels at least four times a day. A nice chewy brownie, a sonic blast, and some shredded wheat will be the first things consumed! I also miss pasta. So maybe this baby weight won't be coming off as fast as it did with Alyssa. At least I only gained 20 lbs, despite my best efforts to consume as many calories as possible. Its hard to gain weight off of protein and veggies alone. Give me cake and ice cream and pasta, sure anyone could gain weight. So I am just proud I hit the 20 lb mark. Maybe I can pack on another 1 or 2 lbs in the next 2 days!
As much as I can't wait to meet this little one, who is even more active than Alyssa if possible, I can't wait for Alyssa to meet her. She has been soooo excited this whole time and is amazing with babies. She tells me things like "Babies can't eat blueberries when they are little because they are small and round and things like that make babies choke" and "I am going to teach baby how to peepee on the potty, and walk, and play", etc, etc. And to be honest, she swaddles her babies better than Dave. Dave puts forth a good effort and all but Alyssa has been practicing ever since we went to her "Big sister class" where they taught her all about how to help take care of a newborn. Alyssa bought the baby a toy at the toy store to give to her and the baby bought her a couple presents too. I just can't wait for the week (s) ahead! (sleepless nights and all!)
The pack n play is set up next to my bed, the diaper bag is packed, the swing is now sitting in the living room, etc. Now all I need is her! Lets hope for a quick, easy, pain-med free, uncomplicated delivery!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We're back!

So I know I became pretty bad at blogging the last year or so. It seemed like I was just reporting the same things...that Alyssa was getting more grown up and smarter by the day. Well now that baby girl # is on the way I decided to start the blog back up with some alyssa updates, pregnancy updates, and soon to be new baby updates.
I am currently a little over 23 weeks with another baby girl! We are all excited but honestly, I think Alyssa is the most thrilled. She is completely obsessed with my belly! My shirt always needs to be up so baby can watch Elmo with her, or so she can read to her, or sing to her, or tell her how much she loves her. She is always saying "I love you baby girl" and kissing my belly. She thinks it needs bites of her snacks and sips of her milk and she makes sure i eat my veggies because "they make baby healfy"
The pregnancy itself has been another rough one. I was even sicker this time, even though i didn't think it was possible. After throwing up twice a day, having migraines, lightheaded, exhaustion, etc for 17 weeks, I am finally feeling better. I still don't have my normal energy back like i got while pregnant with Alyssa. But I'm thinking thats because I never have a chance to rest this time around since I have Alyssa's crazy active self to keep up with. I have gained roughly 9 pounds i think. So on track as to what I gained with Lys. I haven't been to the doctors in a month so next week i should get an accurate update, my at home scale doesn't match up with the doctor's too well. I just feel huge this time though for some reason. Maybe its because I don't have the energy to formally workout much this time and that just mentally helps me feel good. The other reason I can't workout much is that Alyssa can't be left in a gym nursery since kids can bring their own snacks, which may contain tree nuts.
A couple months after her 2nd birthday we found out she is severely allergic to cashews. She ate them from the time from ages 1-2 and then developed an allergy. We have to do the whole epi pen thing and have very few options to eat out but we have yet to have another encounter with a cashew so thats good. My paranoia mothering is coming in handy!
We are currently in the process of moving Alyssa into the guest room and setting her up a new big girl room. We want to do it long before the baby comes so she doesn't feel the baby stole her room. She loves it but she looks so tiny in a big full sized bed! she is still in her toddler bed at night since she has just started in the last week or two waking up in the middle of the night to get out of bed and pee and hop back in bed. Its easier for her to do in the toddler bed with a little potty right next to her bed. So we are letting her master that first because I am loving not having a single diaper to wash everyday! Even though I have only washed one a day sine shes been potty trained over a year ago, a couple month break will be nice before it all starts back up.
I have been furiously making things for the new baby and a couple matching bows and hats for both girls. I want to get everything ready far in advance since i can only imagine how exhausted I will be at the end this time. I wish I was able to nap and still sleep at night, that would really help me out.
Ok I think thats about it for now. Hopefully I will keep updates coming on days like today where Alyssa decides she remembers how to nap. I am leaving the blog public for now as well. New pictures will be at the top.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

new blog

email me at for access to the new blog site. I don't care if anyone I know reads it. I am just trying to prevent the random weirdo strangers that have been making comments on it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The only cat I've ever liked...

So i usually hate cats, the alive ones. However I wanted a costume where I could paint Alyssa's sweet little nose so I decided on a black cat. It was adorable! I made her tail, ears, and collar. She was the cutest little cat ever! We went trick or treating and then to a Halloween party (where Dave and I dressed up as Mario and Luigi). We forgot to take a picture of our costume though but it was a repeat costume so we already have some old pictures. We let Alyssa walk around with her monogrammed halloween basket (thanks caitlin!). She would take the candy and put it in her basket like a pro! We knew she would be better than the average 1 year old at trick or treating because all day long she carries around her easter basket and a beach bucket and fills them with things. If we can't find something, we look in a shoe, bucket, toy chest, etc since she just loves putting things in containers. We found our sim card in her toy bin the other day. So the trick or treating was right up her alley. And if you ask her what a ghost says she'll say "boo" (although it kind of comes out a little more like baa). That was her trick at each door.
She is continuing to get smarter and smarter. We were looking at pictures the other day and i could ask her where Mommy or Daddy were in pictures with multiple people and she would point to us. She is also getting really good at putting puzzle pieces in their correct spot after searching. She is just getting so fun. But she is also starting to find her free will and she is testing us a lot. Time out works wonderfully on her though so far. Usually I just have to threaten a time out and she will listen. The other day I told her not to climb the stairs. She did so I gave her a time out warning. She got down immediately and walked away. A few seconds later I saw her walking back over so i told her she was getting a time out if she went up the stairs again. She lifted her knee up over the stair and looked at me. She in no way let her knee touch the stair though. So she listened, she did not go up the stairs, but the little turd was just messing with me. I guess as long as she listens that well its all i can expect out of a 13 month old. And its so hard not to laugh when she does something like that because she will give me this little smirk and sometimes even give me her little princess wave.
She is getting 2 more teeth of the bottom which are bothering her some but she is handling them pretty well. She will yell out in the middle of the night but she must just roll over and go back to sleep right away because its only like one yell.
All and all we are doing great! I think I am going to start with the new blog next time i post (the private one) so make sure you email me ( if you want access to it!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feeling like Falltime

not too much going on right now. Dave had a 4 day weekend last weekend so we went to a pumpkin patch and hayride. Alyssa had a lot of fun. She kept trying to pick up all of the huge pumpkins and got frustrated she couldn't lift them. There was also a little petting zoo with a few goats that you could feed. Alyssa loved the goat, especially his beard. She tried to tug it, right before she tried to kiss it. Dave freaked out and thought the goat would bite her so she wasn't allowed to play with him too much...and I'm usually the paranoid parent. The next day we went to a place in Wilmington (like 45min-1 hr away) called Monkey Joes. Its an inside play place with a bunch of bounce houses and slides. Alyssa loves it! And Dave and I do too since parents with kids under 4 years old are allowed to "help" (aka play with) their kids. We went back again this past weekend. We are having to be more creative with things to do since its getting chilly out so our normal walks and playing at the park aren't cutting it.
I am about to make Alyssa some new cloth diapers. After using them for a year, I have found things about certain brands I like best and all so I want to make some more. Although I don't know how much longer she will be in diapers. We only go through like 4 a day now. She holds it until she has to go and then goes all at once which is a good sign. It means she is starting to know the feeling of how to hold it in and all. She has gone pee and poop on the toilet (well her potty) a few times. We have to trick her to get her to sit there for a little bit by letting her brush her teeth. My girl has good dental hygiene...she loves to brush her teeth.
I posted new pictures a few days ago...they are in the new 13 month album. It won't let me put a link on the blog so just click on an older album to get to the picasa site and then click on Lindsay's photos and then the 13 month album. Or you can click here

Monday, October 5, 2009

sick peanut

To start off so I don't forget to say it, I am going to make Alyssa's blog private soon. With dave starting to be away more I don't want people to figure out when hes home and when hes not. And that will be pretty obvious through pictures and all. If you send me an email at I can send you the username/password to read the blog and see the pictures. Also if you want any information on Dave/care packages email me at that same address.
Alyssa is now scared to death of the vacuum cleaner. Our entire house is hardwood (well laminate hardwood) flooring. We have one area rug in her playroom that Brody isn't supposed to be on so I don't have to vacuum it all the time. But over time the hair still piles up on it so I took out the vacuum and put it in the playroom and Alyssa freaked out. It wasn't even turned on yet. Then I turned it on and my poor baby was scared to death. I've never seen her scared like that before. I turned it off and let her see it and touch it and she was fine with that as long as I was holding her. She would cry if I put her down in the same room with it. She was also fine helping me vacuum as long as i held her. As long as I was in the room with the vacuum, Alyssa just wanted to snuggle me. Although this may sound mean since she was scared, I loved it. She is SO active that she will only take like a 2 second break to give me a hug and a kiss and then shes off. She never just lays on me for 15 minutes.
My baby girl is running a fever of almost 104 as of yesterday. Poor thing is soo worn out. All she wants to do is lay on my shoulder (which i do love) but I'd obviously rather her feel better. She has a double ear infection and possibly the swine flu. Now don't freak out too much, the swine flu isn't as bad as the media made it out to be. The doctor actually said the symptoms are a little more mild than the flu. He asked if we wanted to test her for it but he said it would not do any good as far as treatment goes. We were already in the ER for a few hours, still had to wait at the pharmacy for her prescription, and it was already 6 pm. She was also sleeping so I didnt want them to have to draw blood and wake her just for us to sit and wait for the results. He said if her fever goes down in a day or two with the antibiotics then the fever was probably just from the ear infections. However since her fever is so high and she has other flu like symptoms, we're afraid our little sweetheart has the piggie flu.
She keeps waking up from her nap every few minutes crying so I'm going to go snuggle my baby and rock her while she sleeps. :) I added new pictures to the 12 month album.